Thursday, May 28, 2009

Females in the Rock Industry

Do you ever wonder why rock music industry is dominated by males? What ever happened to the females? Many people believe that females should not be in the music industry but others believe that gender shouldn’t matter. What’s the right answer?

I believe that there is no answer. In the late 70s rock music was becoming very popular. Many bands were trying out different types of music as well as females where entering into the music industry.

One rock band that came up a lot when I was researching was Fanny. They are a rock group that formed in the 1970. The group consists of four females that broke down the barrier for female musicians in rock. They never became superstars but ended up receiving a couple or awards later on for their achievements. David Bowie had this to say about them in 1999, "One of the most important female bands in American rock has been buried without a trace. And that is Fanny. They were one of the finest fucking rock bands of their time..."


Female artists do get judged in so many ways, but the ones that come out of the piles are the ones that you know will succeed. And that is what happened with the band Fanny!

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